Friday, November 23, 2012

A nutria(ヌートリア) in Kamo river(鴨川)

Do you know what animal is in the picture?

It is a nutria(ヌートリア) who lives in Kamo river(鴨川).
It is like a big mouse.
Normally it doesn't exist in Japan.
It was brought to make a fur as an outfit for cold weather.
But after war, the demand was lost and breeding in the country.

In addition, it has been increasing caused by the local residents and tourists feed them.
Kyoto prefecture has been warning to feed to the nutria.
But unfortunately, the people who feed them has not been decreased.

Everyone, please don't feed the nutria if you find them in Kamo river!!
I know it looks cute(?), but the beautiful Kamo river might be conquered by them if you do that.

The backpackers hostel in Kyoto is located in its historical district, Gion.
Good access by buses and trains. The center of Kyoto.
Please contact us, if you want to book our hostel.

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