Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Relaxing Mascot Dolls

京都のゲストハウス 秋
In the last part of November, I took the photo on Shijo-O-hashi bridge.  The sunset were coming and the cloud reflected the color of the orange sun.

京都のゲストハウス 秋
When you look at the right side of the photo, you will find colored leaves. It was deep red. So the season of colored leaves was just in middle.

京都のゲストハウス 秋
By the way, do you know her? Actually this is her. She is a so called relaxing mascot doll. Looks nice, right?

京都のゲストハウス 秋
Of course, she is very popular.

京都のゲストハウス 秋
She cant't move quickly and her hands are just to wave. But, nice.

When you come to the city, Kyoto, or other prefectures, you will find them they're not all cute. Some of them look like monsters.

You can check them all in the following URL.
Japan relaxing mascot grand prize

Yeah, strange, yet NICE!

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Good access by buses and trains to everywhere.
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