Friday, June 22, 2012

A guest with beer cans

Our guests laugh a lot, joke around a lot, play a lot, and sometimes drink a lot. 
Yeah, sometimes tremendously...  

A guest drank those cans of beer. The pyramid was build with 10 cans.
He said "I can finish beers in your fridge".

After he said that, I came back to our reception to spend 20 or 30 minutes as a receptionist. And then going to the common room, without believing in what he said, I was surprised with the pyramid. He was there, saying "Hand me one more can!!"

O.K. He can drink all cans. His friend should bring ukon, which is good for a hangover, to him.

The backpacker's hostel is in Kyoto, located in its historical district, Gion.
Good access with buses and train lines. The center of Kyoto.
Please contact us, if you want to book our hostel.

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