Saturday, November 23, 2013

Being Geisha Girl Experience

When you'd like to be a geisha girl, of course you can. But, it takes so many years to be real one. So why don't you try a trial one for Being Geisha Experience.

京都のゲストハウス 舞妓さん
She has experienced being geisha girl. 

She was wondering if she could be a good geisha or not. The following photo is the answer.

京都のゲストハウス 舞妓さん

Right! She's been a good geisha!! The photos are fantastic. 

She bring the photos and also great memories of geisha experience! Both are nice present to her family and friend. For sure, the talk with her must be a special present, when she come back to the country! 

Thank you for letting me see the nice photos! You're super nice geisha girl!

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