Monday, September 9, 2013

Okazaki Red Carpet & Biggest Manga Anime Festival of Kyoto in 2013

京都のゲストハウス 岡崎レッドカーペット2013
When I went down a street to reach Heian-jingu shrine(平安神宮, へいあんじんぐう), I found the large red carpet on the street. 

京都のゲストハウス 岡崎レッドカーペット2013
And cheerleaders. Sometimes they looked away to another street behind trees. Because people in nice big costume went along the street for their rehearsals. They were so fascinating! But, I couldn't taken a photo, because they went in a cars after a while. 

京都のゲストハウス 岡崎レッドカーペット2013
The musical band was also great. They were playing for rehearsal. Yeah, it's too early to enjoy the real part. I have had to wait.

This year, I couldn't wait... I should have went in a hour. But, I'm looking for the next year! The URL is for the event named "Okazaki Red Carpet".

On the same day, one of the biggest events for manga and anime have been held.

Oh, one good thing to know. If you bring your passport, you will be able to get free ticket for the Manga/Anime Festival. Yeah, it's a privilege for travelers from overseas.  I hope next year comes so soon!! Can't wait! 

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