Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Fortune Slip (おみくじ Omikuji)

He is our guest from Germany.

He went to Jishu-jinja Shrine.
This shrine is famous as a shrine of matchmaking.
Actually he went there without knowing this.

He drew a fortune slip (おみくじ omikuji) there.
In the photo he is holding the fortune slip.

However everything is written in Japanese on the fortune slip.
Of course he did not understand it at all.
So he came to ask us to translate the fortune slip.

The result was Kichi (吉)。
Kichi is the second best result, so it means he is lucky.
As for travel, the fortune slip said, "Traveling is highly recommended. You will see lots of delightful things on your travel."

He looked very happy to hear the result.
Especially he is a traveler so he was satisfied with the part about traveling.

We hope that staying at A-yado is one of the delightful things on his travel.

Link to Our Website
The backpackers hostel in Kyoto is located in a historical district, Gion.
Good access by buses and trains to everywhere.
Please contact us by the form, if you'd like to book our hostel.

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