Monday, February 4, 2013

Subtle Colored Sunset and Buddhism Sculptures

The sun is about to set to the west. The street has just a few people and cars waiting to go back to their home. It's not very cold, yet the temperature is about 10 degrees centigrade.

That is a Japanese local scenery. Every country has it. And the photo above is, I guess, just taken in Japan. They are stone sculptures which called Ojizou-san. They are sort of Buddhism sculptures. And local people appreciate to them almost everyday. That's why beautiful flowers are in front of them.

Japan has the own character. If you come to Japan, please look for them!

The backpackers hostel in Kyoto is located in its historical district, Gion.
Good access by buses and trains. The center of Kyoto.
Please contact us, if you want to book our hostel.

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