Monday, July 29, 2013

Advice for Tourists or Just to "TALK"

When I walked down a street, I found it. "English Help". What does it mean?

He is the English Helper. He looks very friendly and out going. I asked what was this?

The reply was very simple. According to the board he is helping tourists to give information in English. It's said in Japan there're a few people around you who speak more than 3 words in English. We say, for example, Go and Straight or Dog and Run. 

Yes, we, Japanese, are not good at English. Sometimes we are called by foreigner, and get upset, saying nothing.

BUT, Japan is well known as a polite country. If you're lucky, the person you called to get direction might let you follow her/him. Even though the person don't speak in English, it works. 

I don't want to say anything exaggerated. It depends on the people. I just want to say Japanese are sometimes amazingly helpful!

Oh, but, please do not say something to business people in suits for getting direction to go somewhere. They're so busy for their jobs! That's another aspect of Japan.

Link to Our Website
The backpackers hostel in Kyoto is located in a historical district, Gion.
Good access by buses and trains to everywhere.
Please contact us by the form, if you'd like to book our hostel.

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