Sunday, November 18, 2012

A beautiful street of Kyoto at night

When I walked along a small street, toward sunset, lamps of homes lit up. And people looked wanting to go back to their home to meet their families. Those hours, evening are just same as your country.

In the evening, looking round into the dim, thinking about the people walking on the street, I feel that street was completely special to express the specified emotion of Japanese. I don't know whether that's understandable or not, and I can explain about it or not.

That stone paved street is my favorite. When I learn something to express Japanese emotions, I will show them all. Because I love the country. And if you love something, you come to show or explain about it. OK, I have to learn, walking the street again!

The backpackers hostel in Kyoto is located in its historical district, Gion.
Good access by buses and trains. The center of Kyoto.
Please contact us, if you want to book our hostel.

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